it's who i am.
goodmorning world :)
i'm FATIMA<3
don't call me anything else.
livin in sunny [ and most of the time, rainy -.- ] singapore.
i have an email, a facebook, a twitter & a myspace [ not letting you contact me unless i know youu, sorry ;P ]
i also have a brain-- hear that, haterzz? i'm flyy ;P
if you've got no swagga & wish to rip my blog or use profanity around here,
i'mma chew you up & spit you out ://
JUST KIDDING^^ enjoyy your stayy!

♥ homiees ;) peace out homedawwgs :P yeahh you know who.
♥ familyy&friends.
♥ entertainment [that includes TAYLORLAUTNER<3 & spongebob]
♥ chocolate


your voice was all i heard
noooo tagboard cos i don't wanna hear what you're ranting about >:(
nawww, actually i just don't want tags at the moment :|

i'm leaving
never looking back again
link link link link link

time machine
walk down memory lane
April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010

funny, funny dudes angels of heaven! been studying for like the past two hours! gor. i ... hmm.what to say about today?if you're not hajeong,... Gor, Beta -.-why'd you have to leave?did you know ... my twitter: me.... haha, today after school hajeong and i fought and ... my friends (or enemies.?) voted me the #2 most lov... :Ooh NO ):well bye guys. taylor

take a bow
how about a round of applause
Layout: x o x o
Inspiration: I ; II
Color codes: I
Icon: I

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 @ 1:48 AM

What does H.E.L.L. stand for, you ask?
Hunger Erases Life's Love.
That means that if you do PSLE on an empty stomach, you die.
Which is what i'll do, because i don't have any time for breakfast, yo.

On to a brighter subject?
There is none. Oh, wait! Haha, we discussed things in school today. I gotta 60/60 for my science MCQ! So did Hajeong -.- Yay? Lol haha :D Anyways, went to 7-11 after school to buy Nerds. Just finished sharing the whole pack with my brother who has a 38.3 temperature :O
And the best part? The Nerds didn't come out of my allowance! :) That was random and totally inevitable for me to brag about, yo.

PS: Charlie is SMART. He's my boss, you know? I'm so proud! :D Never thought I'd say that, huh? Yep-yep, I did.

And Shyartini: Why don't you tag me now? You tagged me twice in 2009; why stop there? AND Hajeong, start tagging me too. You've STOPPED :O